Mrs. Hovis' Class
*S.A.I.L. to Success!*
Class Rules
1. Raise your hand to speak or stand.
2. Follow directions the first time they are given.
3. Treat everyone with kindness and respect.
4. Work and play safely and quietly.
5. Take care of our school and classroom.
6. Always be honest and do your best.
Behavior Management Plan
Duncan Chapel uses a school wide behavior system that consists of five colors: silver, green, yellow, red, and blue. Students set goals for classroom behavior and they review them daily to determine if goals were met. Everyone begins the day on green and moves down to yellow, then red, and then blue as a consequence to a rule that has been broken. In my class, each student has the opportunity to move up to gold if he/she is displaying excellent behavior which will earn the student extra prizes. Students are also allowed to move their clips back up if they turn their behavior around and start making better choices.
Each student is responsible for his/her own behavior, and I do not tolerate excuses. I expect each student to display respectful and acceptable behavior at school. Disruptions interfere with other students' education and learning process. Please reinforce good behavior at home and have a discussion with your child about acceptable behavior at school and consequences of coming home with a negative report. I appreciate all of your support and teamwork at home.
A "take a break" area will be provided for students. It is an area where they can choose to go if they feel as though their behavior is out of control. There are cards and strategies provided in the area to help the students get themselves under control. This area is to help prevent students from having to move their number down colors. The students may choose to go to this area themselves or will be directed to this area by the teacher.
Consequences/ Rewards
Silver -Fantastic (Earns a warm fuzzy-See below)
Green - Great Job! (Expected color and behavior)
Yellow - A warning was given and then a rule was broken again. (5 minutes time out/selected play)
Red - Multiple Warnings (Note or phone call home- 10 minutes time out/selected play)
Blue - Consistently unacceptable behavior! (Parent conference- possible referral- 15 minutes time out/selected play)
*Silent lunch may also be used as punishment.
Please sign the behavior calendar each night.
*Warm Fuzzies* Students will have the opportunity to earn warm fuzzies (pom pom balls) for great behavior, compliments, kind actions, respectful behavior, and making 100% on reading counts tests or other tests. When students fill their bucket, they dump it into our classroom bucket. When our class bucket is filled, students earn pizza, popsicles, and other special rewards as an added incentive for good behavior.
*To earn Silver- A student will NOT have been moved down or warned. The student will have consistently performed out of the norm--going "beyond" expectations.
**The expectation is for all students to follow SAIL. Green is the expectation. If there are students that are always good, that is not deserving of SILVER. That kid needs to consistently do something out of their character…OVER and BEYOND!
***At the end of the nine weeks, teachers will be expected to share how many students achieved SILVER. This will help the Behavior Team plan some type of celebration for those who achieve SILVER status.
My behavior management plan was created following Duncan Chapel's School Wide Behavior Management System.
The following behavior acronym has been selected for the 2015-2016 school year: (S.A.I.L.)
Always Respectful
In Control
Learn Ready